
October 19, 2012 |

Nbd but Jasmine and I have the same dance moves. Check it.

What are you gonna be for Halloween? I’m gonna be Jasmine. Cuz she’s a badass and blue is a pretty color and her feet are a women’s size three, just like mine. Also it will be fun to confuse everyone because they’ll be all, “But you’re wicked blonde and you don’t look like Jasmine at all” and depending on who it is I’ll either be all, “Are you stereotyping me, what should I be dressed up as goddamn Julie Andrews” or be like, “Are you tripping on acid, Jasmine’s a made-up character it doesn’t even matter” and either way it will be funny, at least to me.


Also my Jasmine costume is going to be a semi-ironic statement.** See, I studied religion (specifically the Abrahamic faiths and even more specifically Islam) and sociology for my undergrad degree, and holy jesus did that particular line of study teach me to overthink absolutely everything and come to solid conclusions about practically nothing.

Anyway, what I’m trying to say is Orientalism is a thing,*** and so is Islamophobia, and so is sexism, and there’s all these crazy matrices of oppression strangling all of us, and by dressing up as Jasmine I will be simultaneously supporting and critiquing the exoticized/villified portrayals of Arab women in American society and giving a shout-out to the matrices of oppression that Arab and/or Muslim (because in the American imagination those things are pretty much the same thing) women find themselves within. But most people will probably just be all, “Sweet, I love Aladdin, too.” And I’ll be like, “Yeah, duh, who doesn’t.”

Hmmm. I think it’s time to think about grad school. I shouldn’t be writing this kind of shit on a light-hearted blog, especially when I don’t have time to explain it and definitely just sound like a rambling crazy person by this point.


Erm. What I’ve trying to say is… What are you going to be for Halloween? My friend is thinking about being one of the weirdo white creatures from this sweet music video (linked below). Don’t copy her idea. But check out the music video, it’s kind of fantastic.

Baths – Lovely Bloodflow

*It’s cool; most people are.
**Sorry to get all hipster on you, just like that, out of the blue.
***And Edward Said is a badass.




Category: Zocalo Hannah